Monday, June 2, 2008

An Ode to Jasper

Sweet, Sweet Dog You Will Never Be Forgotten
May 5, 1995 - March 7, 2008

You flew all alone from Seattle to Boston
I fell in love with you and your spirit the minute I saw you
You brought us so much happiness, laughter, and wonder
I brought you to work with me, you hung in my office
You loved to go to the beach and play in the surf
We took you boating, you weren't so sure, your sea legs were shaky
I held you inside my fleece jacket all cozy and warm
You could never get enough love, that is for sure
Needy, so needy, a people dog for sure
You were a bit of a snob when it came to other canines
Almost "cat-like" you'd sit on our feet and always come close
You even had fun in the snow, prancing about when you were a puppy, like a reindeer
You were our Christmas Card when we were just married
You posed with a giant bone wrapped with a plaid bow in your mouth
Our baby, Our first born, we took you everywhere
Back on a plane, to L.A. you came -
You adapted and liked exploring our new hillside home.
You were gentle, you'd bark & growl but never hurt a fly
Not even the UPS Guy!
You welcomed your human bro & sis
But things changed & we didn't have as much time for you
Daily walks became weekly walks, which later became monthly walks
But we loved you just the same
You had different sounds to talk to me - one when you were hungry
Like clock-work about 6 pm
One when you were thirsty & One when we you needed to go out
Loyal beyond words - you were the picture of English Springer dignity
All the way to the end
Even on our last walk when you could barely make it down the street you wagged your tail and never cried -
The years went by and you still tried to play with us, you still loved being part of our family, you still jumped up to race us in the front door, the kids loved that.
You started slowing way down, you slept all day, you had trouble even getting up
The time came.
I couldn't see you suffering, not enjoying life like you knew it.
I could see it in your eyes - you looked at me and told me. It was time for me to let go.
I haven't experienced much loss in this life
But when we said goodbye to you a piece of my heart was lost forever.