Friday, June 20, 2008


Going to the Wall-e premier tomorrow night, should be fun, will post after, hopefully with pictures and a review of the movie for all my Blog Moms. This is my daughter about a year ago at another premier (I think it was "Meet the Robinsons") with the Jonas Brothers. No one knew who they were at the time, a few months later Jonas Fever hit! The Disney machine had worked its' magic at high gear. Just livin' the crazy L.A. life.


Muffy said...

OH MY GOSH! I can't lie- I'm a grown woman and I LOOOOOVE the Jonas Bros! Aren't they ADORABLE in person?!?

AR said...

So with muffy, I watched Camp Rock with my boys the other day and so love the JB's they are so cute. Oh to be 15 again?

I found you from Manicure/Monogram blog.

Kiki said...

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog, I'm always glad when people find there way to my little spot!!!!

Hope you'll be back, I know I'll be checking here, if that's okay???